Saturday, May 19, 2007

“The End” – A Future Tense Tribute Poem to My Good Friend Darrin R. Brooker

A season is a very long time
To watch your bison graze
But what tastes worse than pickled lime
Is when they fizzle out in a haze

That time has come for Buffalo
The city of perpetual losers
And dear friend, Darrin, its time you know
That your bisons are not hoosiers

Unlike that magical team, so small
So unlikely to win the big game
Your sabre-rattling cotton balls
Are about to fade out in shame

So, D.R., I urge you friend
As one who cares for your well-being
Accept the fact, tonight is the end
You’ll find it rather soul-freeing!



  1. You must've felt dirty typing out that last line...I guess if I wanted to know what cheating on my wife would be like I'd cheer for Ottawa too. :-)

  2. It was a year in hockey that marked a few milestones, not least of which was the 40th Anniversary celebrations since the last time the Leafs won the Cup. Rumour has it that Maple leaf sports has got some pretty amazing plans for the 50th Anniversary party! Get your tickets now! Now that's one even I'm looking forward to!

  3. I will admit, I've been impressed by many of your hymns over the past year. You certainly have a knack for poetic verse. But I must admit, you're probably the first poet in history to rhyme "well-being" with "soul-freeing." I'll take the advice in that verse from one who must "preach" it to himself every year. :-)

  4. Pickled Lime.

    Take a lime.
    Cut in slices.
    Add vinegar and other pickeling stuff.
    Serve chilled to your enemies...


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