I thought this was interesting.
My friends at Westminster Bookstore published a suggested reading list compiled by Tim Keller. I was troubled to read his carte blanche approval of NT Wright's, "Surprised By Hope."
Keller writes,
"It's always a little dangerous to recommend a book I haven't read yet, but I suggest it because it is basically a shorter and more accessible summary of his bigger classic The Resurrection of the Son of God (see below), which is wonderful but very long and academic."
The new 9Marks Journal came out today and includes a review of the same book by Tom Schreiner. His conclusion?
"Wright appeals to many because he is brilliant and fascinating, and some of what he says is helpful. Nevertheless, his failure to emphasize the centrality of the gospel is troubling, and pastors who find his work illuminating need to be careful that they do not veer away from their central task of proclaiming the good news to a lost generation." (read the rest of the review for other concerns)
Schreiner hits the nail on the head. Wright can be wonderfully helpful in places... and, in my opinion, winsomely dead wrong in others. It is not pastorally wise to commend his work - especially when you have not read it yet!*
*Keller does say he has read the larger work upon which Surprised by Hope is based.