Monday, August 22, 2022

Christian Parenting Resources and... Opinions!

I have had the privilege of preaching, writing and collecting what I consider to be wise material on parenting for many years. One of my sabbatical projects has been working on a new parenting class I hope to teach in the fall. It is called something like, Pastor Paul's Parenting Opinions. The reason I am stressing opinions, is that the Bible actually has very little to say about the details of parenting. Wise parents will talk to those who have gone before them and collect (and evaluate) their opinions to chart their own course. 

However, that does not mean the Bible has nothing to say about parenting. So, here is some of the material I have been blessed by or preached on or written about over the years. I hope it is useful to you!

4 Things New Parents Need to Know and Seasoned Parents Need to Remember -  The Stone Foundation


Texts of Scripture you need to think hard about in order to be a faithful parent


by Jim Elliff 


“Well, well, well. It's been longer than a Hereford's tail since I wrote last and I am glad to get back to pen and pad. The colder weather makes sitting still a might easier to do, and all that time on the tractor this fall has filled my head with perhaps a couple good things to share with you. Mrs. Walter is all in a wonder that you would want to hear my babbling again, but what's a wife for if not to remind you that you're not half as good as you once thought you were!”


“Now, the Lord never gives anything that He doesn't include the instructions or resources for - but what I have always found peculiar is just how little he says about parenting. I recall those early days of our first little olive shoot (Ps 128:3), when we wondered when exactly it was we stopped being children and started having them!”


“Thanks for taking the time to read these letters. You've got more patience than a chipmunk stuck at a turtle-crossing!

Well, last time I wrote I tried to make clear that the most important thing for your family is a happy marriage. Husband and wife loving each other and living in unity will create a family bond stronger than duct tape and binder twine.

Today I want to move on to the role the husband plays in the family.”


“Besides climbing up a greased fireman's pole backwards and blindfolded with your arms tied behind your back, there are few things more difficult in life than being a mom.“





Let's Just Parent Like Christians

October 17, 2021 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Let's Just Act Like Christians

Topic: Expository Preaching Verse: Ephesians 6:4–6:4 

1. Do not exasperate your kids

2. Lovingly stop and correct bad behaviours in your kids

3. Teach and urge compliance to the truth in your kids

Family Dynamics (Part 1) 

November 22, 2015 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Be Wise, Young Man, Be Wise

Verse: Proverbs 1:1–31:31

1. The Kids
          Proverbs 10:1; 28:7; 17:21, 25; 20:20; 30:17; 23:22-25

2. The Parents
          Proverbs 22:6, 15; Romans 1:16-17; 10:9-11

Family Dynamics (Part Two): Parenting

December 6, 2015 Speaker: Paul Martin Series: Be Wise, Young Man, Be Wise

Verse: Proverbs 1:1–31:31

1. The state of the child

          a. Behaviour is an overflow of the heart

          b. Every heart is full of folly

2. The duty of the parent

          a. Model

          b. Teach

          c. Discipline

Gospel-centred Parenting 

Being a Gospel-centred Kid

The Elements of the Internal Call to the Ministry - Wilhelmus รก Brakel

 The Elements of the Internal Call to the Ministry

This commission is both internal and external. An extraordinary, divine declaration is not an element of this internal commission. God does not do this, or does so only on very rare occasions, and thus one need not wait for this. There are other matters by which one may be assured of his internal calling.

To these belong, first of all, a knowledge of the office. One must know what it means to be a servant of Christ, to be the mouth of the Lord, to proclaim that great gospel, to teach ignorant men the way of salvation, to be instrumental in delivering men from the devil, and to lead them to Christ. One must know that it consists in comforting those who mourn, stirring up the indolent, bringing back those who have strayed, exposing hypocrites and temporal believers to themselves, defending the truth against error, rebuking the ungodly, helping to keep out or expelling from the church those who lead offensive lives, and adorning the church, so that by the holiness of those who profess the truth she would bring glory to Christ. One must know that it consists in being an example and in being able to give an account of the souls entrusted to him. How can he who is neither thoroughly acquainted with these matters, nor perceives the weightiness of it all, nor takes this to heart, have intentions to be faithful? All of this must be known, considered, and experienced in order to be conscious of ones calling.

Secondly, there must be some knowledge of ones aptitude for this work. A fundamental knowledge of divine truths and thus being satisfied with a speculative knowledge of these is not sufficient. Rather, one must experience the power of these truths in his own heart, having been converted thereby. He will thus be able to speak from his own experience. He must also have the aptitude to clearly express his thoughts, and must have a voice which is capable of being heard by others. Even though the most qualified person must say, “Who is sufficient for these things” (2 Cor 2:16), one must nevertheless be conscious of some aptitude. Shortly we shall consider this aptitude more comprehensively. 

Thirdly, there must be an extraordinary love a) for Christ and a desire to make Him known; b) for the church to present her as a chaste virgin to Christ (2 Cor 11:2), and to cause her to shine forth with light and holiness to the honor of God; c) for the souls of the unconverted to snatch them from the fire, as well as of the converted to strengthen, comfort, and continually provide them with spiritual food.

Fourthly, one must be willing to deny all that is of the world, such as honor, material goods—yes, even life itself. If someone is of low social status and wishes to become someone of renown or to acquire material goods by way of the ministry, his objective is entirely wrong. He would be much happier as a shoemaker, for in my opinion there is no man more abominable than an unregenerate minister who uses the holy things of God to his own advantage.

Fifthly, there must be a great desire for this work (1 Tim 3:1). There must be continual stirrings to give oneself to the Lord by way of this work, and there must be a concern about whether or not one is called. There must be anxiety when ulterior motives are perceived in the heart which in turn causes one to entertain the thought to refrain from this work; or when the heaviness of the task, and a sense of inability causes one to look up against this work, engendering a desire to be relieved from this work, as with Moses and Jeremiah. The stirrings will nevertheless persist and overcome the objections. This in turn will give him more liberty before the Lord and he will find himself more willing than beforehand because by the objections he will have a clearer view of the motives of his heart. Then his heart does not condemn him, but rather convinces him of his sincerity in this matter.

By these and similar arguments one can ascertain his internal calling.

From, The Christian's Reasonable Service, Volume II, 122-123.