Saturday, November 11, 2006

Search Phrases

Once in a while I peer into the file created by Blogflux that lists all the search phrases people typed into Google or Yahoo that led to this blog.

First of all, how some of these things relate to this blog is beyond me!

Second of all, some of these are hilarious!

Third, some of these are so very sad.

What I cannot figure out exactly is what page they linked to from the search engine. Not that it matters. Anyway, if you are interested in these kinds of things, here is a small sample of what brings people to KERUX NOEMATA!

  1. joel olsteen quotes on love
  2. what does it mean for a elder to be blameless
  3. when everything is going wrong
  4. "STD rate" syria
  5. mats sundin's love life
  6. baptismal tank for baptism
  7. when should a pastor leave a church
  8. "Flashing Amber Power light" on Dell
  9. why is everything going wrong in my life
  10. boring pastor church
  11. a love song for our pastor that the kids can sing
  12. hoogly


  1. I remember that post on Sundin's love life...really made me think about what is most important to Leaf fans.

  2. I was touched by your post about "Flashing Amber Power light" on Dell.


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