Monday, March 27, 2006


The Evolving Church Conference at Tyndale:

It must have been all the free publicity I gave this event back in January... I don't know. But if you thought that the Emergent movement was not that popular or a fast-dissolving fad, you should note that the EC conference is sold out. The one day event on April 8 now posts on its website: "Only overflow tickets left." Meaning you get to sit in a nearby room and watch a video feed of the proceedings. Hey, Nathan Colquhoun - if you read this, maybe you should send me a free ticket or something! :-) You know, as a token of thanks for my promotional work!
Actually, I quite enjoyed getting to know Nathan "electronically" and trust that his desires for this conference will be met. I still wish that he and the other organizers had made this event a genuine "conversation" and invited someone who disagrees to the table. It's not too late to do so, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't a "conversation" become a "monologue" if only one side gets to speak?


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