Monday, March 05, 2007

Pray for These Boys - Winter 2007

Last semester I posted a picture of the boys in my Pastoral Theology Class and asked you to pick one you could pray for over the year. Well, if you could do that again, that would be great! These guys have put up with a lot with me being gone quite a bit this semester to care for my father before he died. They are a great bunch of men.

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1 comment:

  1. In this class, Timmy's does rule, Greg!
    Most of these poor boys start the day at Starbucks with me - at 7:30AM. Then they are in class with me from 8:20-11:00, then we go to chapel, then some of us eat lunch together (at the famed Disease Restuarant - best schwarma in the city!) - then we walk back for this class. About 30 minutes into our 3 hours of class, most of us are wilting. Last week we sent two of our bravest brothers on the Tim Trek. It was the day of the big storm... they came back, literally, covered in snow. Thankfully, the coffee was preserved!!!!


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