Friday, August 18, 2006

Julian the Fighter Jet Makes False Accusations Against Me

Christian Thought: Kerux's Cleezer is... CUTE?!

In the spirit of humility that marks so much of my life, I now link to this bit of blandness....


  1. Your humility is second only to your modesty, Paul.

  2. I think Cleezer is cute. Cap or no cap - thingy.

  3. As a man who has been married for 17 years, I see that your manliness has been maligned, but it is in no way diminished given the evidence presented. In other words, as a good husband you are of course going to engage your wife's communication positively, even though you would never actually refer to your truck as "cute" yourself. Lesson learned: Leave no young, male witnesses the next time you play along with your wife's girltalk.

    The cap will be practical for winter, but Cleezer did look better without it.

  4. I think your truck looks wicked tough either way, Paul.

  5. derifter, what do you really stand to gain by sucking up, anyway? :)

  6. Oh JLF,
    Don't be so naive. Of course I didn't mean it! It's only in the spirit of self-sacrifice and false humility that I said that to make him feel better. He's obviously taken a beating emotionally, (he hasn't posted in three days!) so I figured it wouldn't kill me to throw him a bone and say his truck looks tough. What're you driving up to the cottage anyway? A Civic, maybe? That's okay, they look tough too. (heh heh!)

    Oh shoot, Kerux is gunna see this, ain't he? I gotta go!


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