Monday, August 14, 2006

Forbes List of Celebrity Earners

Forbes released their annual list of top earners in the celebrity world today .

1. Steven Spielberg - £180m
2. Howard Stern - £163m
3. George Lucas - £127m
4. Oprah Winfrey - £122m
5. Jerry Seinfeld - £54m
6. Tiger Woods - £49m
7. Dan Brown - £48m
8. Jerry Bruckheimer - £45m
9. JK Rowling - £41m
10. Dick Wolf - £38m

They earn because people buy what they produce. It is an oversimplification to some degree, but what does each offer the world?

1. Ghosts
2. Vile verbage
3. Eastern mysticism
4. You-are-godism
5. Nothing
6. A long shot
7. Blasphemy
8. Crime
9. Witchcraft
10. Lies and intrigue

So this is what the affluent (who pay for this "entertainment") value.

Reminds me of Romans 1.


  1. I think you're being a little hard on Seinfeld!

  2. Honestly, I'm shocked that Howard Stern not only made the list, but that he beat out Oprah! And Dan Brown!
    And Derifter is more than right, you are much, much to harsh on Seinfeld! How dare ye.

  3. Derift, Ruminator...

    HELLO! Seinfeld... it was "the show about nothing!"

  4. Hey even I got that one--
    I think you went easy on Howard Stern though.

  5. So why say " *something* about it?? Huh? Huh?

  6. Okay, it went sailing right over my head. Thanks for explaining it to me Kerux, I owe ya. Now you know why I didn't make the list.

  7. That Howard Stern is vile.


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