Running Well - » Dying Words (III)
My friend Darrin Brooker has another great post in his series of dying words. This one begins with many startling and sobering quotes of those who died in their sins and without hope of Christ in the life to come. He offsets this with another batch of sayings from dear saints who now make up part of that great cloud of witnesss.
In an earlier comment string on my blog I was kidding Darrin that he was quite a Renaissance man. I was not joking about that. If you don't have Running Well on your blog watch list, you should.
I can't be that much of a "Renaissance man" if I had to ask someone what that meant! But I thank you for the nice compliment; it almost makes me regret leaving the comment about your feet. :-) I do hope it gets better quickly. Sprained ankles are not the least bit enjoyable.