Thursday, December 15, 2005


I always wanted a word that would express repugnance, disagreement, even mild disgust in the face of something obtuse or just plain wrong. There are not many words out there (for Christians!) with which to do this and being a fan of words I determined to create my own. One of my pre-requisites was that this word would have good onomatopoeic qualities about it.

You will find that my word “hoogly” fits all of these characteristics wonderfully!

Things to which you would cry “hoogly” are ideas or statements that are goofy, silly, inane, absurd or just plain dumb. Interjecting a “hoogly” while discussing these kinds of things gives the speaker a fine sense of satisfaction as the guttural, yet razor-sharp declaration flows from the mouth.

So, you may be talking about some false theology that follows no rhyme or reason... and in the midst of your description ask a rhetorical question that requires a negative answer. Rather than allow the listener to fill in the blank, you do it for him. “Hoogly!”

Your kids may watch a movie that is full of some self-esteem whacko nonsense about their innocent inner-person. You just look at them seriously and calmly say, “Hoogly.”

You may be in a discussion with someone wherein they make grandiose claims about something they know nothing about. You dead-eye them and utter, “Hoogly.”

In case you are worried, I have done some research and it appears that hoogly has no untoward meaning associated with it in any language. There is a Hoogly River in India, a Hoogly district and even some Hoogly temples... but these are geographical identifications (sometimes spelled Hooghly, although I much prefer my own spelling).

Other than that, the word is used as a surname (that must be painful in Junior School!), a ship’s name(no less painful - "On the good ship, 'Hoo-oo-gly!") and in combination to form the far less superior expression, “hoogly-boogly” (the meaning of which is beyond me).

So, I now offer my word to the world. Please be sure to use it correctly and with the proper pronunciation. If you are having trouble with the latter, it is something like “Who Glee.” You will find this word a ready friend in those times of utter exasperation. Use it economically, and it will become a secret and disarming weapon in the battle for Truth!


  1. Thanks Paul. I do appreciate your contribution to the English language. You don't know how long I've been searching, even longing for a word to "express repugnance, disagreement, even mild disgust in the face of something obtuse or just plain wrong." You have just filled that void. One question: Do I need to give you credit every time I use the word, or is it public domain?

  2. In conversation, no credit need be given.

    In all written works, please include the following:

    The word "Hoogly" copyright © 2005 by Paul W. Martin, a division of the Martin Family. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Thank you.

  3. When I first read it, I heard Colonel Sherman Potter (M*A*S*H) saying, "Horse-Hockey!"

    Do you suppose he derived that from hoogly? In a time-warp kind of way, of course.

  4. derfiter,
    First of all - nice to hear from you again - it's been a while!
    Second of all - when are we going to get this straight. I am Canadian! You have got to stop messing with my sacred national institutions. Please - no derogatory remarks or insinuations toward anything hockey!

  5. I don't like it that much. Sounds too much like ugly. You should revise it.

  6. In terms of the copyright etc.. please see for an example of the type of clamour that can arise from wanton use of the copyright laws.

  7. Ya caught me, Paul! I'm glad I used the (c) info.

    I hope the ankle heals soon!


  8. Now I need to add "Hooghly" to my repertoire of "Baloney!", "Hogwash!" "Horsefeathers!" and "Pffft!"?

    Do we get a guide as to the appropriate usage of each? E.g. one should not use "Baloney!" in the presence of butchers, except in the case of replying to "What did you want?"


  9. Pastor Paul,
    Like you, I enjoy inventing words to fill some void in the English language. I came up with the term "sibspring" to refer to either a niece or a nephew, since no gender-neutral word seemed to exist. Like "offspring," the term can be used both as a singular or a plural.
    Your bro,
    Mark Aikins


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