Monday, November 21, 2005


Blogspotting Canadians!
Phil has been re-working his blogroll and I was most happy to see that Tim Challies and Michael Haykin are representing Canada with distinction.
If there are other Canadians up there, I just don't know who they are!
It may not seem like such a big deal to you if you don't live here - but California has a larger population than all of Canada! It is easy to be forgotten. I think that is one of the beauties of the web - it puts the world on an equal footing (assuming you live somewhere that you can actually access a computer!)


  1. Another Canadian is Carla Rolfe (of emergent no fame) listed under the Convivial heading.

  2. How did I miss Carla!?!

  3. I don't blog, but maybe will soon. Thanks for your good work.

    An American in Newfoundland,
    ~Gary Steward,
    Calvary Baptist Church,
    St. John's, Newfoundland


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