Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stephen Gives Us a Peak Into Mark's Song Den

Ever wanted to watch a genius at work?

Then look past Stephen...

1 comment:

  1. Genius... The lyrics were scriptural, the tune okay, but there's something missing.

    I would argue that good Christian songs must do more than paraphrase scripture, they must also exegete. Look at the hymns that have stood the test of time, what do they have in common? Consider a hymn like "Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean", see the "complete lyrics" partway down the page at Consider how the poetry, the biblical imagery, the expansion and exposition of Biblical thought powerfully drive home the message.

    I think my favourite verse in all of Christian hymnody might be this one from that song:

    On the Mount of Crucifixion
    Fountains opened deep and wide
    Through the floodgates of God's mercy
    Flowed a vast and gracious tide
    Grace and love, like mighty rivers
    Poured incessant from above
    And Heaven's peace and perfect justice
    Kissed a guilty world in love

    Descriptive verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs are important!! I sing that verse and I get it.



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