Thursday, March 06, 2008


Having taken sufficient ribbing for my decreased follicle count, I thought it fitting to enlighten pastors with the first name IAN that there was a day when I had more hair on my head than my current dog. This should serve as an example that life under the sun leads the way of all the earth and those who giggle, "Go up, thou baldhead, go up!" ought look over their shoulder for carnivorous bears.

[Update: How about that Picasa? Photo is fixed.]


  1. Hmmm, the picture would not display on my computer. Does it exist?

    Just to comfort you, let's begin a brainstorm list of godly bald men. . .
    - CJ Mahaney
    - Josh Harris looks that way from video footage I've seen
    - Luther as a monk

    What about godly balding men?
    - My theology prof, Dr. Duez had a combover that would be embarrassing on a windy day
    - John Piper isn't exactly a mop-top
    - My beloved friend and mentor, Paul Martin

    Maybe some other people have some names to add to that incredible list of men, though frail in follicles, who have been greatly used by God.

    For the record, I don't think I'll go bald, but we'll see. My Grandma's maiden name is 'Butt'. The Butts all have a thick mop on top, which they effectionately call 'Butt Hair'. They are hairy to the grave. I have that Butt hair, my friend.


  2. Dear Ian -
    For the first time in my life... I am at a loss for words!!!!!

  3. That is an amazing picture. In all seriousness, it gave me warm fuzzies. It makes me excited to think of how much God has used you as a couple for his glory since that time, presumably when you were dating or newly married.

    I'm going to stop bantering. To tell you the truth, I don't think anything of a few missing follicles, or a few greying hairs. If that is the case in a minor way, it's because you labour with all your super-human strength to glorify God in every minute of every day. Thanks for doing this so well!

    I feel like I've been on the line of appropriateness - if I've crosssed any, please accept my apologies.

    And when I'm bulgy and bald and weak, please have mercy!

    I should get back to Genesis 1:24-31 now.


  4. Butt Hair. Wow. Hey Paul, when was the last time you wore a hoodie?

  5. Ian -
    You have neither said nor done anything remotely inappropriate! Far from it! I need a little fun at my expense.
    As for the picture, it was taken at the wedding rehearsal of our friends David and Tami. I was head over heels in love and the beautiful woman beside me was... being wooed! Which leads one to say, persevere, young men! Persevere!

  6. Todd -
    I have never stopped wearing hoodies. Please note the ultra-cool Beaver Canoe label on the front of that one. It was a sad day when I had to retire that relic...

  7. Wow...what a great looking picture of you two...was that taken just recently;)

  8. Paul,
    Thanks for the reassurance - I was a bit ruthless as an unbeliever, and am really sensitive to 'grey areas of humour' as I strive to glorify Christ in every area of life, including humour.
    Just to poke more fun at myself, the Butt jokes go a long way at a party. You may wonder about poor Uncle Harry. . .well, he never really got over the horrors that public school inflicted on him. That is not a lie - he exists and he wanted to be called 'little Joe' as a kid. The funny name never occurred to my Grandma (his sister) until I hit adolescence and pointed it out to her. She thought I was one sick boy for having such a filthy mind.

  9. Kudos, it takes guts to post a pic like that (I speak of you of course, not your lovely wife)!


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