Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ministry Financial Accountability

Running Well - » Ministry Accountability

D.R. has done some very interesting investigation into the incomes of high-profile religious leaders.

The first thing I noticed was, I need to get me a ministry!

It is an interesting study... I wonder how these numbers are determined?


  1. You mean how the ministry determines how much to pay their leaders, or how the people doing the study determined the compensation amount?

  2. I meant how do the powers in charge determine how much many to pay these folks?

  3. Paul Martin International Ministry Inc. Sounds good. Although the acronym would be pronounced puh-mee-mee. :)

    You need to wear your hair bigger though, Paul. All really wealthy televangelist dudes have to have big hair.

    (By the way, an interesting web site is the CCRA's list of registered charities in Canada. You can search out ALL Canadian charities, and obtain summaries of their tax returns for the past 5 years. Interesting reading.)

  4. So Paul didn't get paid anything last year? None of the slots shows anything...

  5. That's why he's so thin. :-)

    (The screen shows only summaries, but there is an entry for total salary expenditures.

    Y'know, line 543394, where it says:
    Paul Martin, $355,329.34) :)

  6. "355,329.34"

    That must refer to "average length of sermon in minutes"!!!!


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