Saturday, September 09, 2006

How Can We Not Weep...

I have been doing some research this week on abortions in Canada as I prepare to preach tomorrow on the topic of how to respond to governing authorities that permit, endorse or promote that which God condemns. This in line with our series in Romans that finds us at chapter 13:1-7.

These statistics have put a cloud over my heart for the last 48 hours...

  • 1 in 4 pregnancies in Canada end in abortion.
  • 1 in 3 women ( 37.4%) undergoing abortion have already had one or more abortions. (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 1998)
  • 300 abortions occur each day in Canada.
  • 36.6% of abortions (39,037 babies) occur between 4 and 9 weeks when the baby's heart is beating, brain waves are detected and ultrasounds show them waving their arms and legs (at 7 to 9 weeks).*
  • 49.5% of abortions (52,795 babies) occur at 9 to 12 weeks when the child has fingerprints, urinates in utero, squints, swallows, wrinkles his or her forehead, sleeps, wakes and exercises.*
  • 9.6% of abortions (10,239 babies) occur at 13 to 16 weeks when the baby has fine hair on his or her head, is 8' to 10' long and can hear.*
  • 4.4% occur (4,692 babies) at 16 weeks to birth when the child can be startled by a sudden noise and can survive with proper care outside of the womb.*
Source. These numbers are all confirmed by my own research through StatsCan.

300 babies murdered per day.

25% of all pregnancies terminated in abortion.

Lord, forgive us.


  1. God bless you for talking about this!

  2. As hideous as that is, and it is, might I humbly suggest including at some point a reminder that there is forgiveness, even for abortion? Such is the blood of Jesus, and such is the love of God.

    As far as the government, we can work for change certainly by our votes and pushing for legislative reforms, but I think the best strategy is to continue bringing the truth that changes hearts so that abortion, and all sin, will be seen as being as abhorrent as it really is. That means continue doing what you're doing. Bless you brother.

  3. Thank you for posting this - heartbreaking! Shawnda and I have been talking about this recently and seeing it in terms of what it really is - genocide in one of the sickest and worst forms! And the insane thing is that calling abortion genocide will raise eyebrows even among Christians. We can't ignore it though - especially when you look at the statistics.

    I agree preaching the Gospel is the first means to seeing a change of hearts. Along with that, on the practical side of things, adoption is one of the most effective alternative options for these young women. Sadly so many women abort because they are unaware or uneducated on adoption or as in the case with so many pregnant black women, there are NO families willing to adopt. I would encourage churches and Christians do make the huge sacrifice of offering to adopt these children as a means of saving lives and making a stand for life (and fostering! there is a sacrificial ministry!).

    Thank you again brother for posting on this and making people aware of this!

  4. Thanks for posting Jason. It has been a joy to follow you and Shawnda from a distance in the adoption process.
    I would urge readers here to link over to Jason's blog to see some pretty fantastic photos of some pretty fantastic kids!


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