Thursday, July 21, 2005

Together for the Gospel

Are you planning on attending?


  1. Oh, to be able to go! I don't know much about most of those men, but it would be worth travelling a long way to hear MacArthur and Piper speak! I hope they make the messages available on the web.

    It would be hard for me to overstate the impact that John Piper has had on my life and my family. While my former church was sliding into mysticism, I found such encouragement and direction from Piper (and later from you, Paul!), being called back to the Scriptures again and again.

    To understand and properly critique some of the false teaching that was coming into that church, I had to read several frankly heretical books. To refresh and realign myself, I would alternate that reading with with the much more profitable, bold instruction from MacArthur's Our Sufficiency in Christ.

    It's been said that if you want to know about water, don't ask a fish. It is difficult to stay focused and continue against the flow in a context that encourages error. Great authors like Piper and MacArthur are so valuable in keeping the plumbline of the Bible front and centre.

    (Os Guinness and David Wells are also proving to be valuable companions, I find, albeit in a somewhat more systematic fashion than the two Johns. And, of course, the incomparable Puritans.)

    Thank you, Father, for the rich resources you have given us in Your Word, that we dare neither add to nor remove from! Open our minds to understand the Scriptures and may our hearts burn within us! Soli Deo Gloria! Amen!

  2. Pshyeah, I'm going... if you're footin' the bill! :-)


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