Tuesday, July 03, 2007

21 Things I Love About My Church - A Guest Post by Dr. Darryl Dash

When I first came back to Toronto to pastor, a got a friendly phone call one day from Pastor Darryl Dash of Richview Baptist Church. Darryl is a good egg and although our "face-time" over the years has been rather limited, it is always reassuring to me to call to mind my brother preaching Christ's Word over in central Etobicoke... actually in the very neighbourhood in which I grew up.

Darryl has a great blog named after his house... and he is currently on vacation... which means we could all talk about him here behind his back!

Here is his great list! (Keep them coming... this is great!)

21 things I love about my church

1. I love how people are hungry for God's Word and for God's glory.
2. I love the diversity within our church - young and old, people from many cultures and backgrounds.
3. I love that when there is a need, people can't wait to fill it with generosity and joy.
4. I love that people recognize that our hope is not in another program or trend but in God himself.
5. I love that we have people who live lives of prayer.
6. I love that our people really work on preserving unity.
7. I love how people focus on God more than they do on style.
8. I love the dozens of people who serve in the background faithfully without ever expecting to be noticed.
9. I love our family services together.
10. I love that we are learning to increasingly focus on Christ and him crucified.
11. I love the way that people are cared for at Richview.
12. I love how they give room for me and my family to be people and fellow strugglers.
13. I love the messy hospitality practiced within Richview - we have others over even when our house isn't perfect or clean.
14. I love the desire to do what God asks no matter where it will lead or what it will cost.
15. I love our prayer times with Thistletown, the church up the road.
16. I love the honesty and the fact that people are real.
17. I love the multicultural food when we have a potluck.
18. I love seeing people grow over the years.
19. I love watching how slowly people leave on a Sunday morning and how much they enjoy talking to each other.
20. I love our desire to be salt and light in our community.
21. I love that it's been nine years and I love these people more than I ever have before.

Now there is some good stuff! Hope you are having a great vacation Dr. Dash!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dr. Dash! I LOVE reading your list! May all preachers be able to say the same.


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