Saturday, June 30, 2007

Victor Lemonte Wooten on Steroids? - Raul Midon Demonstrates Some Slap on a 6-String

If you have never heard of Victor Wooten nor heard him make a bass sing... well, your life is lacking!
Joe Carter posted a YouTube clip of Raul Midon today and snooping around I found this little demo piece. Is it just me or is it like Raul is speaking a foreign language. I immediately thought of Victor... and one has to wonder if the maestro of bass finally got copied on guitar!

1 comment:

  1. Paul I did not know you were a Wooten fan! That man is a MONSTER on bass! You only need to hear him do Amazing Grace on bass entirely in harmonics and your jaw drops! I never heard of Raul but wow, that guys whacked! I think I'll check out some of his stuff.


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