Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Good Riddance, Sweet Safety

North American’s favorite idols are safety and security. We arm border guards and build walls and live in gated communities and manage our investments and join health clubs so that we can remain safe and secured.

But Jericho is crumbling... at least for Christians.

And I think that is a good thing.

Canada is no longer a Christian nation, regardless of what is engraved into the exterior of the Peace Tower of our Parliament buildings or sung in our national anthem. And the enemy “out there” is increasingly evident “in here” as the first hints of persecution waft toward the church.

Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms has become a sword for whoever happens to be “most politically-correct” and the only philosophy absolutely rejected in the academy or the workplace is any philosophy that speaks absolutely about God’s morals. Even from within our broader ranks, “Christians” are becoming more a social change group than a group of people called out of the world to live to the glory of God in all things.

So, it is less safe and less secure to live like a Christian today than it was 20 years ago.

And I am thankful.

I do not long for persecution, in fact, it scares the daylights out of me... but as some have said, “The church never lived so well and preached so powerfully as when it was on the brink of death.”

And I am encouraged.

I see the lines between “profession” and “possession” becoming more focused. I see young men living with more zeal and a greater awareness of the cost of following Jesus than I ever have before. I see those who really know Christ stepping up to the plate, unsure of how they will get on base, but willing to swing with all their heart if that is what it will take to stay true to their Master.

Good riddance, sweet safety. You were never more than a mirage anyway.


  1. Since when was Canada ever a Christian nation?

  2. I'm reminded of the underground church leader in China who said,

    "Stop praying for persecution in China to end, for it is through persecution that the Church has grown. We in fact are praying that the American Church might taste the same persecution so revival would come to the American Church like we have seen in China."

  3. "Real persecution is when your life is on the line for what you believe. That is not and will not happen in Canada."

    Wow - a prophecy. To say that it will not happen in Canada is to take the role of prophet upon oneself, knowing what the future holds. It can happen, and if we pray right and live right, maybe it will. But to presume to know that things will never change for Christians enough in this country to put Christians in danger is a very great presumption.

    To say that persecution is not happening certainly does not mean that the evil one is not at work. We don't need persecution. Christians in this country are being led astray by other means. Money, popularity, social acceptance, materialism, entertainment, sports, music and more all hold a place in the North American church that approaches idolatry. I often wonder if Jesus' words to the rich young ruler can properly be applied in a corporate sense as well as to individuals. Does Jesus say to the N.A. church - sell your possessions and give to the poor and then come follow me? And if He does, will we? Why should Satan break upon us with persecution? He's doing fine without it.

    At the same time, we have "christians" who are all worked up about the social aspects of living the Gospel while virtually denying the need to preach the Gospel of salvation from sin. WWJD gone mad - live like Jesus but never preach like Jesus. THAT will surely never reap a persecution - because it isn't Christian anyway.

    I hope you are right Kerux about the things you see that are encouraging you. If you are, I pray that I will see it more clearly.


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