Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rap it Up (2)

Against my better judgment... you can reference this and watch the video below.

Shout out to Nick for the fine live track.

Peace out.


  1. I'm speechless....I certainly hope the Lord preserves the health of the person who leads worship at Grace from any type of illness...

  2. Actually, Paul is the worship leader for most of the services.

    Now I just want to hear him do his next Emergent presentation in rap.

    I'm Pastor Paul, so don't gi' me no diss
    I'm talkin' 'bout meta-narratives.
    "Join the conversation," so dey say,
    But I tell 'im, uh uh, no way!
    I don' like your ontology;
    I don' like your theology;
    I don' like your iPod fixture,
    Jus' gi' me that inspired Scripture!

    Hmm, not sure if that's rap or Seuss.

  3. I think I'd be nervous Tom if he says he's got a great idea to update the Psalms in Meter at the next elders meeting!

  4. DR - Metrical PSalm rapping... you might be on to something. Although I would stick with the Isaac Watts versions with the old English - that would be tight!

    tomgee - Clearly YOU ought to have been the one rapping!

  5. I might be able to write the rap, but your presentation was superb, Paul! I'm sorry I wasn't there.

    And I love Nick's beatbox!

    So, will the next pastoral theology course dealing with worship include "Contextualization of Worship Forms Within Contemporary Urban Society"?

    Also known as the rappin'-clappin'-singin' class.

    (I took a course in university with the austere title of "The Physics of High Fidelity Sound Reproduction". But it was better known among the students as the "sci-fi hi-fi course".)

  6. WEST SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think I heard Will asking questions throughout the video...


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