Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Need a New Church

Things have been getting bad at Grace Fellowship Church lately. I never thought it would come to this... but the fact is, I need a new church.

There is just no more room left in the gym. We love meeting at the Christian School, but space has become a precious commodity!

So, what I need is a new church. Okay, not a new bunch of people – I mean, I love these ones WAY too much! But a new place for us to meet.

I see two options for this:

1) Some church in Toronto has a building that they no longer fill. They want to see a Gospel witness remain in their community and not watch their church meeting house turn into a mosque, community centre or bar (all of which I have witnessed on many occasions in this city!) So, they will call us up and say, “Come have our building, please.” And we will come.

2) Somebody will really want a new church to begin in downtown Toronto and they will buy us or give us a meeting place for free. We will send out a bunch of people to start a new church. And then we will have some space again at the school.

Either way, I want a new church.

Feel free to help out where you can!


  1. I don't see why you have to be so greedy.

  2. I've always wondered why churches don't share facilities - is there any like-minded local church that would be willing to rent you some space?

    Perhaps, you can move your services to a non prime time (non Sunday AM) slot?

    Or how about this. How about MERGING leadership, finances, and congregations with another like-minded and similarly sized church in your area?

    Alright, I'm sure that these don't seem like realistic suggestions, but they do cross the mind.

    Perhaps churches (like corporations ;) could save some money and be more effective by combining efforts - there's plenty of work to go around. The hard part is really the political part - divvying up money and power (responsibility), and agreeing on mission and vision.


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