Sunday, August 05, 2007

Parents... Guide Your Children!


  1. Hmmm...mine was G-Rated.

    Paul, you need to shape up a little! ;)

  2. Hey Pastor,

    I want you to know I really got a lot out of your blog entry about Bono. I gave up secular music a few years ago through the verse you preached on last sunday 1 john 2:15; it was my baptismal verse. God really convicted me through that verse, one day in the guidance office, where broke my secular cd's and threw them out. Of course I still struggle from time to time, since there are still times when I find my mind playing those songs again. But thank God he has given me strength to see and overcome secular music. Anyways I used your Bono blog by asking some people over email to check it out, and it has produced, I think a good discussion. I just wanted to let you know that I was blessed by it, and God is at work through you!
    See you soon and God bless his work in you.

    Grace and Peace,

  3. A link you might appreciate (contra the emergent movement):


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