The Fatal Disobedience of Adam and the Triumphant Obedience of Christ :: Desiring God
So my RSS feed from the Desiring God blog tanked last week. This is very interesting.
Early in the summer I determined by God's grace to preach 2 or 3 sermons on Romans 5:12-21. As I explained on Sunday, the reason for this was a series of conversations and counseling meetings where it became increasingly obvious that our church needed a refresher course in "alien righteousness" from this linch-pin passage.
Wasn't I shocked last night to see that John Piper had preached from the same passage on this same past Sunday! Albeit with a different goal in mind - "to show that everything that exists—including evil—is ordained by an infinitely holy and all-wise God to make the glory of Christ shine more brightly."
I highly commend reading this sermon or listening on line. It will be a great appetizer to what I intend to preach this coming Sunday morning: The Better Adam!
Did I just write that Piper was an appetizer to my sermon? That's like saying have some perfectly grilled filet mignon before you sample my Cheez Whiz sandwich! Oi!
Mmmmmm, cheez whiz!!