Sunday, April 30, 2006

T4G: Quotes

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the conference... I include the message number or panel number in brackets afterwards. (They are from my rough notes, so I hope they are fairly accurate!)

Mark Dever: "We are fallen enough that we can have a clean conscience and be wrong." (1)

Mark Dever: "True ministers of Christ are happy to be despised if Christ is glorified." (1)

Lig Duncan: "There is only one way to God, but many ways to Christ." (2)

Al Mohler: "Sinners sinning ought not to surprise us!" (3)

Al Mohler: "The problem of us pre-exists all the problems that have happened to us." (P1)

R. C. Sproul: "We are not justified by the doctrine [of justification by faith] or by believing it, but by believing on Christ!" "All that he is and all that He has is mine for the rest of eternity." (4)

Al Mohler: "No one is justified by affection for Christ." "The problem is that we reduce sin to sins. The most insignificant sin ruins the cosmos." (P2)

John Piper: "[The preaching mantle] is soaked in the blood of Christ and singed by the fire of hell." (5) [Discussing what was at stake when we preach the Gospel.]

John Piper: "People are changed the way God wants them to be changed - by seeing His glory... the pastor's job is to make God's glory seen." (5)

John Piper: "A preacher must have the gift of contagen... otherwise his demeanour lies about the text." (P3)

C. J. Mahaney: [In his opening prayer before preaching.] "We know that prayer is not overcoming any reluctance in You..."
"Our character must be more persuasive than our speech."
"There is no pastoral privelege in relation to sin - If you don't watch, you will weaken!"
"You cannot effectively watch yourself by yourself." [This led to that wonderful "cream cheese moment" illustration.]
"Past attention [on our personal sin] is not enough for now or the future."(6)

John MacArthur: [Describing the benefits of expositional preaching.] "You will get a church full of Christians!" (7)


  1. Paul - great quotes from the conference. Was great to meet you at SBTS while touring the campus and that truly remarkable Mohler library!

    Blessings in your ministry!

  2. These quotes are sweet. historic foe show


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