Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fair is Fair? Where the Logic of Civil Unions or Same-Sex Marriage Must Lead

Fair is Fair? Where the Logic of Civil Unions or Same-Sex Marriage Must Lead: "Like it or not, this is where the logic of civil partnerships and same-sex marriage inevitably leads. If marriage rights are divorced from heterosexuality and procreation, a refusal to accept virtually any formalized relationship anounts to just another form of discrimination." Such is the conclusion to Al Mohler's brief piece on the trajectory of same-sex unions that many of us have been pointing toward for years (always with the pat reply: "you're just using a red herring!"). In this case, the "Couple" is a non-homosexual, non-incestuous mother and daughter who just want the same tax and social benefits offered to the two women down the street.
There is a similar, albeit more twisted article in this week's Maclean's. Here we are told that "polyamory is not to be confused with polygamy..." To the uninitiated, polyamory is the desire to have a girlfriend, tell your wife about it and carry on both relationships simultaneously. The Bible has another word for this!
The article ends with this not surprising comment:

"Another worry, however, stoked partly by the legalization of gay marriage in Canada, is that polyamorists will push for group marriage. On this issue, Luc, who started Polyamory Canada in 2002, seems to reflect another popular sentiment among polyamorists: "Social unions are possible without marriage." He says he's not aware of any campaign for group marriage in Canada. But there has been some discussion among polyamorists about creating a system of legal contracts around issues such as child custody and family rights."

One man and one woman until separated by death is the only right relationship. Everything else is a perversion.


  1. Gay marriage is "so" 20th-century.

    Wow. I need to get out more. Then again, maybe not.

  2. Go with the "not" derifter! Stick to your GTO and you will not go wrong!

  3. Ha! My wife has a T-shirt that says, "Next to his GTO he loves me best".

    We decided that means I love her best when she's next to my GTO. But now I realize it may have been polyamory all along!

    I hope to find the time to read about church planting soon. On a slightly different note, I was chatting with a guy who gave up on church (but not THE church) years ago because he sees them as full of smiling masks and fascades. His "church" now consists of blogs and articles and e-mails, because he thinks people are more open and honest in such forums than in person. His heart is still for God, and the online "community" of believers, and he still reaches out to the lost -primarily online- and feels he's probably better off this way than if he wasted a couple hours in church each week. I don't feel as good about it as he does, but after giving it some thought I'm not quite ready to call him a wacko either.

    Penny for your thoughts...


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